Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response (270/271)
This post helps the provider to determine whether the information source (payer) has a particular subscriber or dependent on file and the health care eligibility and/or benefit information about that subscriber and/or dependent(s).
The post provides the provider with the information at the time the patient checks in and makes the information available instantaneously, which is not possible through other methods like paper and phone.
1.Create 270 Request using C#
Sample 270 Eligibility Request:
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SUBMITTERID *ZZ*CMS *140831*0734*^*00501*000005014*1*P*|~
I have created Main Class called as ManualX12Creation and it will call other segments classes like ISA, IEA and NM1 etc..
public class ManualX12Creation
Patient patient;
Provider provider;
Payer payer;
DTP dtp;
public ManualX12Creation(Patient opatient, Provider oprovider, Payer opayer,DTP odtp)
patient = opatient;
provider = oprovider;
payer = opayer;
dtp = odtp;
public string CreateISA(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator, string sep)
ISA isa = new ISA();
string[] ISA = new string[16];
ISA[0] = "ISA"; // Interchange Control Header Segment ID
ISA[1] = "00"; // Author Info Qualifier
ISA[2] = String.Format("{0,10}", " "); //"".PadRight(10, ' '); // Author Information
//ISA[2] = ISA[2].Substring(0, 10);
ISA[3] = "00"; // Security Information Qualifier
// MEDI-CAL NOTE: For Leased-Line & Dial-Up use '01',
// for BATCH use '00'.
// '00' No Security Information Present
// (No Meaningful Information in I04)
ISA[4] = String.Format("{0,10}", " ");//"".PadRight(10, ' '); // Security Information
//ISA[4] = ISA[4].Substring(0, 10);
ISA[5] = "ZZ".PadRight(2, ' '); // Interchange ID Qualifier
ISA[6] = isa.InterchangeSenderID.PadRight(15, ' '); //X12info[2].PadRight(15, ' '); // INTERCHANGE SENDER ID
ISA[7] = "ZZ".PadRight(2, ' '); // Interchange ID Qualifier
ISA[8] = isa.InterchangeReceiverID.PadRight(15, ' ');//X12info[3].PadRight(15, ' '); // INTERCHANGE RECEIVER ID
ISA[9] = isa.InterchangeDate; //DateTime.Parse("2008/08/16").ToString("yyMMdd");// // Interchange Date (YYMMDD)
ISA[10] = isa.InterchangeTime; //DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm");//.PadRight(4, ' '); // Interchange Time (HHMM)
ISA[11] = "^"; // Interchange Control Standards Identifier
ISA[12] = isa.InterchangeControlVersionNumber.PadRight(5, ' '); //"00501".PadRight(5, ' '); // Interchange Control Version Number
ISA[13] = isa.InterchangeControlNumber.PadRight(9, ' '); //"000000001".PadRight(9, ' '); // INTERCHANGE CONTROL NUMBER
ISA[14] = "0".PadRight(1, ' '); // Acknowledgment Request [0= not requested, 1= requested]
ISA[15] = isa.UsageIndicatorProductionOrTest.PadRight(1, ' '); //"P".PadRight(1, ' '); // Usage Indicator [ P = Production Data, T = Test Data ]
// string sep = "*"; // Data Element Separator
string sCreatedISA = String.Join(sep, ISA);
sCreatedISA = sCreatedISA + "*";
sCreatedISA = sCreatedISA + SegTerminator + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedISA.Trim();
// GS Segment - EDI(x12 for A)-270 format
public string CreateGS(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator, string sep)
GS gs = new GS();
string[] GS = new string[9];
GS[0] = "GS"; // Functional Group Header Segment ID
GS[1] = "HS"; // Functional ID Code [ HS = Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry (270) ]
GS[2] = gs.GSApplicationSenderID; //X12info[2]; // Application Sender's ID
GS[3] = gs.GSApplicationReceiverID; //X12info[3]; // Application Receiver's ID
GS[4] = gs.GSDate; //DateTime.Parse("2007/08/16").ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // Date [CCYYMMDD]
GS[5] = gs.GSTime; //DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"); // Time [HHMM] Group Creation Time
GS[6] = gs.GSGroupControlNumber; //"107018"; // Group Control Number
GS[7] = "X"; // Responsible Agency Code Accredited Standards Committee X12 ]
GS[8] = "005010X279A1"; // Version Release / Industry[ Identifier Code Query
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedGS = String.Join(sep, GS);
sCreatedGS = sCreatedGS + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedGS.Trim();
// ST Segment - EDI(X12 A)-270 format
public string CreateST(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator, string sep)
ST st = new ST();
string[] ST = new string[4];
ST[0] = "ST"; // Transaction Set Header Segment ID
ST[1] = st.TransactionSetIdentifierCode; //"270"; // Transaction Set Identifier Code (Inquiry Request)
ST[2] = st.STControlNumber; //"0001"; // Transaction set control number must match SE
ST[3] = "005010X279A1";
// string sep = "*";
string sCreatedST = String.Join(sep, ST);
sCreatedST = sCreatedST + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedST.Trim();
// BHT Segment - EDI(X12 A)-270 format
public string CreateBHT(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator, string sep)
BHT bht = new BHT();
string[] BHT = new string[6];
BHT[0] = "BHT"; // Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction Segment ID
BHT[1] = bht.SubscriberStructureCode; //"0022"; // Subscriber Structure Code
BHT[2] = bht.PurposeCode; //"13"; // Purpose Code - This is a Request
BHT[3] = bht.SubmitterTransactionIdentifier; //"TSG123"; // Submitter Transaction Identifier
//This information is required by the information Receiver
//when using Real Time transactions.
//For BATCH this can be used for optional information.
BHT[4] = bht.TransactionCreatedDate; //DateTime.Parse("2007/08/16").ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // Date Transaction Set Created
BHT[5] = bht.TransactionCreatedTime; //DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss").ToString(); // Time Transaction Set Created
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedBHT = String.Join(sep, BHT);
sCreatedBHT = sCreatedBHT + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedBHT.Trim();
// HL Segment - EDI-270 format
public string CreateHL(string row, int nHLCounter, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
HL hl = new HL();
string[] HL = new string[5];
HL[0] = "HL";
//HL_LEN[0] = 2;
HL[1] = Convert.ToString(nHLCounter); // Hierarchical ID No.
if (nHLCounter == 1)
HL[2] = "";
HL[3] = hl.HLCounter1Value1; //"20"; // Description: Identifies the payor, maintainer, or source of the information.
HL[4] = hl.HLCounter1Value2; //"1"; // 1 Additional Subordinate HL Data Segment in This Hierarchical Structure.
else if (nHLCounter == 2)
HL[2] = hl.HLCounter2Value0; //"1"; // Hierarchical Parent ID Number
HL[3] = hl.HLCounter2Value1; //"21"; // Hierarchical Level Code. '21' Information Receiver
HL[4] = hl.HLCounter2Value2; //"1"; // 1 Additional Subordinate HL Data Segment in This Hierarchical Structure.
HL[2] = hl.HLCounter3Value0; //"2";
HL[3] = hl.HLCounter3Value1; //"22"; // Hierarchical Level Code.'22' Subscriber
HL[4] = hl.HLCounter3Value2; //"0"; // 0 no Additional Subordinate in the Hierarchical Structure.
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedHL = String.Join(sep, HL);
sCreatedHL = sCreatedHL + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedHL.Trim();
public string CreateNM1(string row, string NM1Cast, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
NM1 nm1 = new NM1();
string[] NM1 = new string[10];
NM1[0] = "NM1";
if (NM1Cast == nm1.NM1PR)//nm1.NM1PR
NM1[1] = "PR"; // Entity ID Code - Payer [PR Payer]
NM1[2] = "2"; // Entity Type - Non-Person
NM1[3] = payer.PayerName; // Organizational Name
NM1[4] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[5] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[6] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[7] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[8] = "PI"; // 46 - Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN)
NM1[9] = payer.PayerID; //"ABC123";//X12info[3]; // Application Sender's ID
else if (NM1Cast == nm1.NM1P1)//nm1.1P
NM1[1] = "1P"; // Entity ID Code - Provider [1P Provider]
NM1[2] = "2"; // Entity Type - Person
NM1[3] = provider.ProviderName; //"TestOrg.."; //row['facility_name']; // Organizational Name
//NM1[4] = row['provider_lname']; // Data Element not required.
//NM1[5] = row['provider_fname']; // Data Element not required.
NM1[4] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[5] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[6] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[7] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[8] = "XX";
NM1[9] = provider.NPI; //"ABC123"; //row['provider_npi'];
else if (NM1Cast == nm1.NM1IL)////nm1.IL
NM1[1] = "IL"; // Insured or Subscriber
NM1[2] = "1"; // Entity Type - Person
// NM1[3] = "Khan"; patient.LastName
NM1[3] = patient.LastName; //row['lname']; // last Name
NM1[4] = patient.FirstName;//"Aifaz"; //row['fname']; // first Name
NM1[5] = ""; //row['mname']; // middle Name
NM1[6] = ""; // data element
NM1[7] = ""; // data element
NM1[8] = "MI"; // Identification Code Qualifier
NM1[9] = patient.IdentificationCode; //"12345"; //row['subscriber_ss']; // Identification Code
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedNM1 = String.Join(sep, NM1);
sCreatedNM1 = sCreatedNM1 + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedNM1.Trim();
public string CreateREF(string row, string sref, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
REF oref = new REF();
string[] REF = new string[3];
REF[0] = "REF";
if (sref == "1P")
REF[1] = "4A"; // Reference Identification Qualifier
REF[2] = oref.REFProviderPIN;//"ABC123"; // Provider Pin.
REF[1] = "TJ"; // 'EJ' for Patient Account Number
REF[2] = oref.REFPatAccountNO; //"ABC123"; // Patient Account No.
// string sep = "*";
string sCreatedREF = String.Join(sep, REF);
sCreatedREF = sCreatedREF + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedREF.Trim();
public string CreateDTP(string row, string qual, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
//DTP dtp = new DTP();
//dtp.Qualifier = qual;
string[] DTP = new string[4];
DTP[0] = "DTP";
DTP[1] = dtp.Qualifier; //qual; // Qualifier - Date of Service
DTP[2] = dtp.DateFormatQualifier; // Date Format Qualifier - (D8 means CCYYMMDD)
if (qual == "102")
DTP[3] = dtp.EventDate; //"Date";//row['date']; // Date
DTP[3] = dtp.EventDate; //"1990/01/01";//row['pc_eventDate']; // Date of Service
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedDTP = String.Join(sep, DTP);
sCreatedDTP = sCreatedDTP + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedDTP.Trim();
public string CreateEQ(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator)
EQ eq = new EQ();
string[] EQ = new string[2];
EQ[0] = "EQ";
EQ[1] = eq.ServiceTypeCode; //"30"; // Service Type Code
string sep = "*";
string sCreatedEQ = String.Join(sep, EQ);
sCreatedEQ = sCreatedEQ + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedEQ.Trim();
public string CreateSE(string row, string SegmentCount, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
SE se = new SE();
// se.SegmentCount = SegmentCount;
string[] SE = new string[3];
SE[0] = "SE";
SE[1] = se.SegmentCount;// SegmentCount; // Segment Count
SE[2] = se.TransactionSetControlNumber; //"0001"; // Transaction Set Control Number - Must match ST's
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedSE = String.Join(sep, SE);
sCreatedSE = sCreatedSE + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedSE.Trim();
public string CreateGE(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator, string sep)
GE ge = new GE();
string[] GE = new string[3];
GE[0] = "GE";
GE[1] = ge.NumberofIncludedTrans; //"1"; // Number of included Transaction Sets
GE[2] = ge.GroupControlNumber; //"1048"; // Group Control Number match with GS06
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedGE = String.Join(sep, GE);
sCreatedGE = sCreatedGE + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedGE.Trim();
Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response (270/271)
This post helps the provider to determine whether the information source (payer) has a particular subscriber or dependent on file and the health care eligibility and/or benefit information about that subscriber and/or dependent(s).
The post provides the provider with the information at the time the patient checks in and makes the information available instantaneously, which is not possible through other methods like paper and phone.
1.Create 270 Request using C#
Sample 270 Eligibility Request:
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SUBMITTERID *ZZ*CMS *140831*0734*^*00501*000005014*1*P*|~
I have created Main Class called as ManualX12Creation and it will call other segments classes like ISA, IEA and NM1 etc..
public class ManualX12Creation
Patient patient;
Provider provider;
Payer payer;
DTP dtp;
public ManualX12Creation(Patient opatient, Provider oprovider, Payer opayer,DTP odtp)
patient = opatient;
provider = oprovider;
payer = opayer;
dtp = odtp;
public string CreateISA(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator, string sep)
ISA isa = new ISA();
string[] ISA = new string[16];
ISA[0] = "ISA"; // Interchange Control Header Segment ID
ISA[1] = "00"; // Author Info Qualifier
ISA[2] = String.Format("{0,10}", " "); //"".PadRight(10, ' '); // Author Information
//ISA[2] = ISA[2].Substring(0, 10);
ISA[3] = "00"; // Security Information Qualifier
// MEDI-CAL NOTE: For Leased-Line & Dial-Up use '01',
// for BATCH use '00'.
// '00' No Security Information Present
// (No Meaningful Information in I04)
ISA[4] = String.Format("{0,10}", " ");//"".PadRight(10, ' '); // Security Information
//ISA[4] = ISA[4].Substring(0, 10);
ISA[5] = "ZZ".PadRight(2, ' '); // Interchange ID Qualifier
ISA[6] = isa.InterchangeSenderID.PadRight(15, ' '); //X12info[2].PadRight(15, ' '); // INTERCHANGE SENDER ID
ISA[7] = "ZZ".PadRight(2, ' '); // Interchange ID Qualifier
ISA[8] = isa.InterchangeReceiverID.PadRight(15, ' ');//X12info[3].PadRight(15, ' '); // INTERCHANGE RECEIVER ID
ISA[9] = isa.InterchangeDate; //DateTime.Parse("2008/08/16").ToString("yyMMdd");// // Interchange Date (YYMMDD)
ISA[10] = isa.InterchangeTime; //DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm");//.PadRight(4, ' '); // Interchange Time (HHMM)
ISA[11] = "^"; // Interchange Control Standards Identifier
ISA[12] = isa.InterchangeControlVersionNumber.PadRight(5, ' '); //"00501".PadRight(5, ' '); // Interchange Control Version Number
ISA[13] = isa.InterchangeControlNumber.PadRight(9, ' '); //"000000001".PadRight(9, ' '); // INTERCHANGE CONTROL NUMBER
ISA[14] = "0".PadRight(1, ' '); // Acknowledgment Request [0= not requested, 1= requested]
ISA[15] = isa.UsageIndicatorProductionOrTest.PadRight(1, ' '); //"P".PadRight(1, ' '); // Usage Indicator [ P = Production Data, T = Test Data ]
// string sep = "*"; // Data Element Separator
string sCreatedISA = String.Join(sep, ISA);
sCreatedISA = sCreatedISA + "*";
sCreatedISA = sCreatedISA + SegTerminator + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedISA.Trim();
// GS Segment - EDI(x12 for A)-270 format
public string CreateGS(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator, string sep)
GS gs = new GS();
string[] GS = new string[9];
GS[0] = "GS"; // Functional Group Header Segment ID
GS[1] = "HS"; // Functional ID Code [ HS = Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry (270) ]
GS[2] = gs.GSApplicationSenderID; //X12info[2]; // Application Sender's ID
GS[3] = gs.GSApplicationReceiverID; //X12info[3]; // Application Receiver's ID
GS[4] = gs.GSDate; //DateTime.Parse("2007/08/16").ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // Date [CCYYMMDD]
GS[5] = gs.GSTime; //DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"); // Time [HHMM] Group Creation Time
GS[6] = gs.GSGroupControlNumber; //"107018"; // Group Control Number
GS[7] = "X"; // Responsible Agency Code Accredited Standards Committee X12 ]
GS[8] = "005010X279A1"; // Version Release / Industry[ Identifier Code Query
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedGS = String.Join(sep, GS);
sCreatedGS = sCreatedGS + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedGS.Trim();
// ST Segment - EDI(X12 A)-270 format
public string CreateST(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator, string sep)
ST st = new ST();
string[] ST = new string[4];
ST[0] = "ST"; // Transaction Set Header Segment ID
ST[1] = st.TransactionSetIdentifierCode; //"270"; // Transaction Set Identifier Code (Inquiry Request)
ST[2] = st.STControlNumber; //"0001"; // Transaction set control number must match SE
ST[3] = "005010X279A1";
// string sep = "*";
string sCreatedST = String.Join(sep, ST);
sCreatedST = sCreatedST + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedST.Trim();
// BHT Segment - EDI(X12 A)-270 format
public string CreateBHT(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator, string sep)
BHT bht = new BHT();
string[] BHT = new string[6];
BHT[0] = "BHT"; // Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction Segment ID
BHT[1] = bht.SubscriberStructureCode; //"0022"; // Subscriber Structure Code
BHT[2] = bht.PurposeCode; //"13"; // Purpose Code - This is a Request
BHT[3] = bht.SubmitterTransactionIdentifier; //"TSG123"; // Submitter Transaction Identifier
//This information is required by the information Receiver
//when using Real Time transactions.
//For BATCH this can be used for optional information.
BHT[4] = bht.TransactionCreatedDate; //DateTime.Parse("2007/08/16").ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // Date Transaction Set Created
BHT[5] = bht.TransactionCreatedTime; //DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss").ToString(); // Time Transaction Set Created
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedBHT = String.Join(sep, BHT);
sCreatedBHT = sCreatedBHT + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedBHT.Trim();
// HL Segment - EDI-270 format
public string CreateHL(string row, int nHLCounter, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
HL hl = new HL();
string[] HL = new string[5];
HL[0] = "HL";
//HL_LEN[0] = 2;
HL[1] = Convert.ToString(nHLCounter); // Hierarchical ID No.
if (nHLCounter == 1)
HL[2] = "";
HL[3] = hl.HLCounter1Value1; //"20"; // Description: Identifies the payor, maintainer, or source of the information.
HL[4] = hl.HLCounter1Value2; //"1"; // 1 Additional Subordinate HL Data Segment in This Hierarchical Structure.
else if (nHLCounter == 2)
HL[2] = hl.HLCounter2Value0; //"1"; // Hierarchical Parent ID Number
HL[3] = hl.HLCounter2Value1; //"21"; // Hierarchical Level Code. '21' Information Receiver
HL[4] = hl.HLCounter2Value2; //"1"; // 1 Additional Subordinate HL Data Segment in This Hierarchical Structure.
HL[2] = hl.HLCounter3Value0; //"2";
HL[3] = hl.HLCounter3Value1; //"22"; // Hierarchical Level Code.'22' Subscriber
HL[4] = hl.HLCounter3Value2; //"0"; // 0 no Additional Subordinate in the Hierarchical Structure.
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedHL = String.Join(sep, HL);
sCreatedHL = sCreatedHL + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedHL.Trim();
public string CreateNM1(string row, string NM1Cast, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
NM1 nm1 = new NM1();
string[] NM1 = new string[10];
NM1[0] = "NM1";
if (NM1Cast == nm1.NM1PR)//nm1.NM1PR
NM1[1] = "PR"; // Entity ID Code - Payer [PR Payer]
NM1[2] = "2"; // Entity Type - Non-Person
NM1[3] = payer.PayerName; // Organizational Name
NM1[4] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[5] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[6] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[7] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[8] = "PI"; // 46 - Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN)
NM1[9] = payer.PayerID; //"ABC123";//X12info[3]; // Application Sender's ID
else if (NM1Cast == nm1.NM1P1)//nm1.1P
NM1[1] = "1P"; // Entity ID Code - Provider [1P Provider]
NM1[2] = "2"; // Entity Type - Person
NM1[3] = provider.ProviderName; //"TestOrg.."; //row['facility_name']; // Organizational Name
//NM1[4] = row['provider_lname']; // Data Element not required.
//NM1[5] = row['provider_fname']; // Data Element not required.
NM1[4] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[5] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[6] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[7] = ""; // Data Element not required.
NM1[8] = "XX";
NM1[9] = provider.NPI; //"ABC123"; //row['provider_npi'];
else if (NM1Cast == nm1.NM1IL)////nm1.IL
NM1[1] = "IL"; // Insured or Subscriber
NM1[2] = "1"; // Entity Type - Person
// NM1[3] = "Khan"; patient.LastName
NM1[3] = patient.LastName; //row['lname']; // last Name
NM1[4] = patient.FirstName;//"Aifaz"; //row['fname']; // first Name
NM1[5] = ""; //row['mname']; // middle Name
NM1[6] = ""; // data element
NM1[7] = ""; // data element
NM1[8] = "MI"; // Identification Code Qualifier
NM1[9] = patient.IdentificationCode; //"12345"; //row['subscriber_ss']; // Identification Code
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedNM1 = String.Join(sep, NM1);
sCreatedNM1 = sCreatedNM1 + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedNM1.Trim();
public string CreateREF(string row, string sref, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
REF oref = new REF();
string[] REF = new string[3];
REF[0] = "REF";
if (sref == "1P")
REF[1] = "4A"; // Reference Identification Qualifier
REF[2] = oref.REFProviderPIN;//"ABC123"; // Provider Pin.
REF[1] = "TJ"; // 'EJ' for Patient Account Number
REF[2] = oref.REFPatAccountNO; //"ABC123"; // Patient Account No.
// string sep = "*";
string sCreatedREF = String.Join(sep, REF);
sCreatedREF = sCreatedREF + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedREF.Trim();
public string CreateTRN(string row, string trancNO, string refIdentifier, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
TRN trn = new TRN();
// trn.TraceNumber = trancNO;
string[] TRN = new string[5];
TRN[0] = "TRN";
TRN[1] = "1";
TRN[2] = trn.TraceNumber; //trancNO; // Trace Number
TRN[3] = trn.CompanyID; //"9000000000"; // Originating Company ID must be 10 positions in length
TRN[4] = trn.RefIdentifier; //refIdentifier; // Additional Entity Identifier (i.e. Subdivision)
// string sep = "*";
string sCreatedTRN = String.Join(sep, TRN);
sCreatedTRN = sCreatedTRN + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedTRN.Trim();
public string CreateDMG(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator)
string[] DMG = new string[4];
DMG[0] = "DMG";
DMG[1] = "D8"; // Date Format Qualifier - (D8 means CCYYMMDD)
DMG[2] = patient.DOB;//"1990/01/01"; // Subscriber's Birth date
DMG[3] = patient.Gender;
string sep = "*";
string sCreatedDMG = String.Join(sep, DMG);
sCreatedDMG = sCreatedDMG + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedDMG.Trim();
public string CreateDTP(string row, string qual, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
//DTP dtp = new DTP();
//dtp.Qualifier = qual;
string[] DTP = new string[4];
DTP[0] = "DTP";
DTP[1] = dtp.Qualifier; //qual; // Qualifier - Date of Service
DTP[2] = dtp.DateFormatQualifier; // Date Format Qualifier - (D8 means CCYYMMDD)
if (qual == "102")
DTP[3] = dtp.EventDate; //"Date";//row['date']; // Date
DTP[3] = dtp.EventDate; //"1990/01/01";//row['pc_eventDate']; // Date of Service
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedDTP = String.Join(sep, DTP);
sCreatedDTP = sCreatedDTP + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedDTP.Trim();
public string CreateEQ(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator)
EQ eq = new EQ();
string[] EQ = new string[2];
EQ[0] = "EQ";
EQ[1] = eq.ServiceTypeCode; //"30"; // Service Type Code
string sep = "*";
string sCreatedEQ = String.Join(sep, EQ);
sCreatedEQ = sCreatedEQ + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedEQ.Trim();
public string CreateSE(string row, string SegmentCount, string[] X12info, stringSegTerminator, string ElementSeparator, string sep)
SE se = new SE();
// se.SegmentCount = SegmentCount;
string[] SE = new string[3];
SE[0] = "SE";
SE[1] = se.SegmentCount;// SegmentCount; // Segment Count
SE[2] = se.TransactionSetControlNumber; //"0001"; // Transaction Set Control Number - Must match ST's
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedSE = String.Join(sep, SE);
sCreatedSE = sCreatedSE + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedSE.Trim();
public string CreateGE(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator, string sep)
GE ge = new GE();
string[] GE = new string[3];
GE[0] = "GE";
GE[1] = ge.NumberofIncludedTrans; //"1"; // Number of included Transaction Sets
GE[2] = ge.GroupControlNumber; //"1048"; // Group Control Number match with GS06
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedGE = String.Join(sep, GE);
sCreatedGE = sCreatedGE + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedGE.Trim();
public string CreateIEA(string row, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator, stringElementSeparator, string sep)
IEA iea = new IEA();
string[] IEA = new string[3];
IEA[0] = "IEA";
IEA[1] = iea.NumberofIncludedTrans; //"1"; // Number of included Functional Groups
IEA[2] = iea.InterchangeControlNumber; //"000000001"; // Interchange Control Number
//string sep = "*";
string sCreatedIEA = String.Join(sep, IEA);
sCreatedIEA = sCreatedIEA + ElementSeparator;
return sCreatedIEA.Trim();
public string PrintEDI(string row, string res, string[] X12info, string SegTerminator,string ElementSeparator)
int i = 1;
StringBuilder sbEDI = new StringBuilder();
string PatEDI = "";
// For Header Segment
int segmentcount = 1;
int nHlCounter = 1;
int rowCount = 1;
int trcNo = 1234501;
int refiden = 5432101;
//while (row = sqlFetchArray(res))
while (i == rowCount)
if (nHlCounter == 1)
// create ISA
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateISA(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// create GS
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateGS(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// create ST
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateST(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// create BHT
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateBHT(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// For Payer Segment
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateHL(row, 1, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateNM1(row, "PR", X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// For Provider Segment
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateHL(row, 2, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateNM1(row, "1P", X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateREF(row, "TJ", X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));//1P initially
nHlCounter = nHlCounter + 2;
segmentcount = 7; // segement counts - start from ST
// For Subscriber Segment
// PatEDI += CreateHL(row, nHlCounter, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator);
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateHL(row, nHlCounter, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateTRN(row, Convert.ToString(trcNo), Convert.ToString(refiden), X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateNM1(row, "IL", X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateREF(row, "IL", X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*")); //Commented repeating
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateDMG(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateDTP(row, "472", X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateEQ(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator));
segmentcount = segmentcount + 7;
nHlCounter = nHlCounter + 1;
rowCount = rowCount + 1;
trcNo = trcNo + 1;
refiden = refiden + 1;
//i = i + 1;
//if(rowCount == sqlNumRows(res))
if (i == 1)
segmentcount = segmentcount + 1;
// PatEDI += CreateSE(row, Convert.ToString(segmentcount), X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator);
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateSE(row, Convert.ToString(segmentcount), X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
// PatEDI += CreateGE(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator);
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateGE(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
//PatEDI += CreateIEA(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator);
sbEDI.AppendLine(CreateIEA(row, X12info, SegTerminator, ElementSeparator, "*"));
//print $PATEDI;
return PatEDI = sbEDI.ToString();
} // End of ManualX12Creation Class
Segments Classes:
Similarly we create other segments classes as like above and passed it to above main class.
To input data into 270 string using class
And finally invoke class as below
ManualX12Creation objManualX12Creation = new ManualX12Creation(oPatient, oProvider, oPayer, oDTP);
string[] X12info = new string[5];
string FileContent = objManualX12Creation.PrintEDI("row", "res", X12info, ":", "~");
Segments Classes:
Similarly we create other segments classes as like above and passed it to above main class.
To input data into 270 string using class
And finally invoke class as below
ManualX12Creation objManualX12Creation = new ManualX12Creation(oPatient, oProvider, oPayer, oDTP);
string[] X12info = new string[5];
string FileContent = objManualX12Creation.PrintEDI("row", "res", X12info, ":", "~");
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