Friday, February 25, 2011

Load Comma Delimited file (csv) in SQL Server

We often need to import data that comes from different data sources, into a database like SQL Server. Usually data comes in the form of a comma delimited file aka CSV file.
Note: To handle complex scenarios and large files, use a utility like DTS/SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services). However for simpler scenarios, the approach shown in this article works fine.
These are the two easy ways to import data from a CSV file into a table of a SQL Server Database – Using Bulk Insert and Using SQL Server Management Studio.
Consider the following data

Create a file name test.csv in your system and add the data shown above in that file
Create a test table
id int,
names varchar(100),
amount decimal(12,2)

Method 1: Using Bulk Insert
bulk insert csv
Here’s the same query for you to try out
bulk insert test from 'F:\test.csv'

The above code reads data from the file located at F:\text.csv and splits data into different
columns based on the fieldterminator ‘,’ (comma) and into different rows based on the rowterminator '\n' (\n is for newline).
Now if you do a SELECT * FROM test you will get the following output

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